Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Pageant

What a great opportunity for the children--a Christmas Pageant! 
Holden was cast as a sheep and after practicing her "baaaaaa" for the last 7 days, 
I think she is now completely fluent. 

Their shiny, happy faces tell it all...

Play practice.

The sheep being led onto the stage.
Holden listening to "her shepherd". 

After wowing the congregation at Celebration Lutheran, 
the children moved on to Christ Episcopal Church. 
Another great performance but this one included a comical sheep herding scene (completely impromptu I assure you) and a dramatic, heart-stopping moment involving the Advent candles (don't worry, we didn't burn down the 100+ year old church).

Holden had a GREAT time acting in her first play. We think she's a natural. It won't be long before we'll see her in lights on the stage of the Concrete Theatre!   :)

Monday, November 21, 2011


It's that time of year again and there isn't a morning that goes by without a seagull (the same one everyday perhaps?) sitting on the neighbor's chimney, warming its toes (yes, they have toes). It snowed last week (not enough for even a skinny snow-angel) and all our trees are naked. Autumn is here and almost gone so, I thought I best get our fall festivities posted quick before winter is upon us.  

There was a break in the windy, wet weather right before Halloween so we scooped up the girls and headed to a local pumpkin farm. Good thing Holden wore red or we may have lost her in the corn fields! She certainly is not afraid to get right in the muck of things.

Determined to pick her own pumpkin, regardless if it was larger than her.

Thankfully, pumpkins make good resting places too. 

Iona likes pumpkins! I mean, reeeeally likes them!

Since Michael and I met we have made a tradition to commemorate All Saints Day with a hike to a local lake. We take time to remember those who have passed. 

We read a poem together and throw a pebble into the lake to watch the ripples; symbolizing the countless ways one person affects the world around them. 

This year we also included an impromptu leaf circle dance, of course. Oh, and a yummy snack complete with hot chocolate. Traditions certainly change when children are involved.  :)

Our fall days have also included trips to the playground and trips to our backyard. Hours of fun entertainment can be had at either place.

We are lucky enough to have a beautiful maple tree steps from our front door. The girls had a great time playing hide n' seek!

Iona found a flower. It tasted good.

We certainly hope your fall days have been filled with joy and adventure! 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

365 days of Iona...

Iona Pyxis VanQuickenborne is a year old! 
What a whirlwind of sound and movement our house has become these past months. Iona is a speed-crawler and just about as curious as any cat I've ever met, which makes for a dangerous combination at times. She loves to be where big sister is, doing what big sister is doing, regardless of where or what that may be, or if she has been invited. And let's just say she has spunk. That's the nice way of saying she is loud and opinionated and often if she doesn't get her way then she'll let the neighbors know it. But she is warm and soft and cuddly too. And her smiles and giggles are precious. According to medical percentiles she is rotund, short and has a large head, but according to us, and those who know her, she is amazing, beautiful and spirited. 
Happy Birthday happy Iona! We're so glad you've come!

She has perfected her scrunched-up nose smile in the last year. 

Unfortunately Iona and Holden were both sick the week of Iona's birthday so we postponed her party a few days hoping she would feel more festive. She was still a bit under the weather when we finally celebrated with balloons, presents and cake, but she did pretty well and she had her big sister's help in opening all her presents, and playing with them too.

When Iona wasn't looking, big sister Holden was "helping" her with her next present. 

A little bit drippy and droopy but still excited about her new toys!

Of course, I fretted over making her a nice banana bread birthday cake in the shape of a bunny, which was promptly turned upside down and disassembled before we could even finish singing happy birthday! She nibbled a bit here and there, smeared a little behind her ear, and then that was that, she was finished. Next year I'm sure will be a different story.  :)

On a side note: sorry for the long delays between blog posts...I blame the girls.  :)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The apple of my eye....

Holden had a great opportunity this week to learn about apples and the process of making apple cider!
I can't say enough positive things about the Padilla Bay Reserve and the wonderful educational programs they have for children and adults. Holden takes part in the Mini-Explorers, classes for 3-5 year olds. This month focussed on apples, but often it is geared more towards sea creatures and the environment surrounding Anacortes. 

The leader very clearly explained each part of the apple press and how we were going to work together to create apple cider. 

Picking the apples from the nearby orchard.

Holden enjoyed tossing apples into the press and watching them get squished between the rollers.

After waiting patiently in line, she took her turn at cranking the handle to grind the apples--this was no easy task!

She put her whole body into it!

Keeping in mind the circle of life, the children also composted the apple pieces and then took great joy in planting a new apple tree.

But, of course, her favorite part was the tasting of the cider! I couldn't get her to put her mug down so I could get a picture! 

Only when her mug was empty did she finally lower it so I could see her rosy, apple-kissed cheeks!