Thursday, May 26, 2011

Mindfully hiking...

Every day
I see or hear
that more or less
kills me
with delight,
that leaves me
like a needle
in the haystack
of light.
It was what I was born for -
to look, to listen,
to lose myself
inside this soft world -
to instruct myself
over and over
in joy,
and acclamation.
Nor am I talking
about the exceptional,
the fearful, the dreadful,
the very extravagant -
but of the ordinary,
the common, the very drab,
the daily presentations.
Oh, good scholar,
I say to myself,
how can you help
but grow wise
with such teachings
as these -
the untrimmable light
of the world,
the ocean's shine,
the prayers that are made
out of grass?
~ Mary Oliver ~

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Zumba dancing!

Here's a clip of Holden dancing at the Waterfront Festival!
She's got the moves!

Waterfront Festival!

Boat building...
A three year old with a hammer....need I say more?
Yay! It floats!
They also had a Zumba demonstration and thanks to Nani (my mom), who teaches Zumba, Holden knew what she was doing when she joined in. 
Being the youngest in the crowd didn't phase her at all!
Not sure what made this slide European but it was Super that's for sure!
Holden and Daddy are at the top!
While Holden enjoyed the slide, Iona watched the ponies.
It was a fun day on the waterfront. A day that reminds me how blessed we are to live in a small town.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Our Boler!

After months of searching online, we found a fixer upper just across the border and in March of 2009 we became proud owners of a vintage travel trailer called a Boler. It was manufactured in 1976 in Canada. Although it continues to be a work in progress, 
we've had some great adventures with our home on wheels. 

Here's a little background info on Bolers:
"One of Canada's most sought-after trailers, the Boler trailer was named after the Bowler hat, which it strongly resembles.
Who came up with the Boler? The trailer, that is, not the hat. Ray Olecko of Winnipeg, Canada was the inventor. What motivated him to manufacture the first Boler was his fascination with fiberglass. First, he created a fiberglass septic tank and after that, he daydreamed about a light-weight trailer.
One night, while camping with his family, Ray came up with a blueprint of a trailer based on his own family's needs. He needed a kitchen and places for all four of his family members-- two children and two adults--to sleep. He drew his idea on a piece of cardboard which he later took to a fiberglass molder and asked the professional to create the trailer.
He paid $1,400 for the finished product. To dealers, this seemed high in comparison to the aluminum trailers that sold for only $895. However, when dealers saw how light Ray's Boler was due to the fiberglass material he used, and how easy this camping trailer could be pulled, they felt the price was right.
In 1968, 100 of these Bolers were built and the next year production increased to 150. By 1972, 220 trailers were built a year. When Ray sold the Boler Trailer Company to Jimmy Pattison's Neonex in 1973, production was around 10,000 units annually. Bolers ceased to be manufactured shortly after this."
--Excerpt from Love To Know Corp. 

The layout of an original Boler.

Our Boler! 

The great thing about these trailers is that since they are fiberglass, they are very light and able to be pulled by small vehicles such as our 1998 Subaru Impreza Outback. But before we were willing to pull it anywhere, it needed to be gutted out, beautified and leak-proofed. I learned some things during this process and the guys down at the hardware store became like family, but I'm happy to report the thing doesn't leak anymore and I got it put back together more or less the same way I found it. 
Here are some of the "before" pics:

I found this grooooovy fabric at the thrift store and it just screamed Boler to me so I made curtains out of it and our color scheme was set!
Here are some of the "after" pictures:

As summer draws near (it is, isn't it?), work on the Boler has once again graced our "To Do" list. We have some big plans in July to drive down the coast to California, camping along the way and pulling our Boler with us! In order to do this it was time to dig it out of its winter nook; alongside the house where Michael occasionally used it as an office for grading papers, etc. Several rainy months nestled in the bushes made a scrub down necessary so we spend our sunny Saturday doing just that. Holden excels at washing the Boler. She helped us with this same project last year. The girl loves being soaked to the bone, regardless of water temperature or location.

Our hose happens to have sprung this great leak, which provides for endless amounts of fun!

It's all clean, on the outside anyway. Now for the not-so-much-fun task of wiping it down on the inside. I also tore out the old gas stove so will need to find something to fill the very large hole left in the counter. If time allows, I hope to get do a bit more decorating and tweaking but we'll see. Time has not been very allowing as of late. I won't name names but there are two short people in our household who make Boler projects hard to accomplish. It's unfortunate too cause the poor thing is in desperate need of a paint job and I have visions of large flowers splashed along the sides.....perhaps one day soooooooon.... 

Until then, I'll enjoy smiles from the short people.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The days roll by...

Just in case you're wondering, yes I realize our blog family photo is a bit outdated but I just can't bring myself to change it. First of all, it's not easy getting a photo of all four of us looking in the same direction, not to mention (and here's where I mention it) looking happy. And secondly, it actually still feels like winter most days so it seems appropriate. Maybe when we have at least two sunny days in a row, where we can go outside without bundling everyone up, then we'll get a Spring family photo! 
Until then, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow....

We've been busy these past days but not with anything especially remarkable. We've had gymnastics, dance class, Godly Play, and Mini-Explorers. We've had lunch with friends, walks in the rain and tree-climbing afternoons. There's been lots of indoor games and crafts, dance parties and puzzles. But like I said, nothing especially remarkable. Just our girls. They're remarkable! 
Iona is ready for the sun! 

Holden listening to the story of Moses at Godly Play

Posing with her friend Sofia, Holden looks good in her glasses fashioned out of wiki-stix--wax covered yarn that entertains for hours! 

Iona has rolled over, which we're super excited about! We've been waiting for her to reach this milestone and yesterday was the day. And just to let us know it wasn't a fluke, she rolled over twice. Unfortunately, I have yet to capture this on film but it's not for lack of trying.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day!

I'm thankful my daughters have made me a mother....
So I can have picnics in the rain...among other things.  :)
This morning I woke to waffles lovingly made by Holden and Michael. 

They were super yummy!
We then headed to Concrete to spend the day on the farm with my Mom.
Happy Mother's Day Mom! We love you!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Soaking it in....

Soaking in the sun. Soaking in new stories. Soaking in new tastes and experiences. Soaking in Spring. Soaking in the pool. We're soaking it all in--basically we're drenched in life!

Last week Holden had the opportunity to take part in a unique children's church session called Godly Play. Using child-friendly props and hands-on materials, Sarah told the story of creation in a way that Holden and the other 3 year olds could understand and enjoy. She's very much looking forward to the next session this week. 

Our swimmer! She's becoming more comfortable in the pool every week. Here you see she doesn't even want Daddy to hold her; with her life vest on she can float quite well by herself. 

 A couple days of dry weather convinced us it was time to get the scooter ready to ride again. I'm working a couple days a week with Island Adventures Whale Watching, conveniently located a few miles from home--and this is my commuter vehicle. Don't worry the helmet is just for looks, we're not insane (okay, we may be a bit), Holden is not allowed on the scooter!

Iona is thrilled with the swing in our yard! Actually though, she's just thrilled with everything! She's a completely happy baby, swing or not.

Carrots make her happy too!

The weather has been quite dismal this Spring so when the sun does appear we throw everything in the car and rush to the beach as fast as we can. We stay as long as we can, then slowly, and I literally mean slowly since we're usually hoping the girls will fall asleep in the car, we make our way home.
This past Sunday we were lucky enough to have my mom come along with us. It's always better when the adults out number the children. 

She may as well be on a tropical island sipping a margarita.

Holden made a sand angel.

Everyone took turns holding the baby. And again, she was always happy.

Holden made soup. Sorta. Anyway, she did find some amphipods, which maybe you recall she was learning about at the last mini-explorer class. 

This girl has no fear and the freezing cold water of the Salish Sea does not stop her. She simply neeeeeded that piece of bull kelp for her bucket.

I just love how she can sit in the muck, surrounded by seaweed, with the frigid waves soaking her up to her belly button, and she's perfectly content.

Finally we talked Holden into a warm change of clothes and some lunch. And yes, both girls did fall asleep on the way home. 
Soaking in love....