Monday, February 28, 2011

Swimming in green...

You mustn't worry, this post is not about anyone's poo--although now that we're talking about it, it is still green, just in case you're wondering. Actually though the green I'm referring to is Iona's curtains. They're a lovely shade of lime green and when the sun is setting it turns everything, including her, this color. I often find her staring up at them, and the shadows of the hops growing outside her window. Today she fell asleep in the glow, with one arm up--go figure.

And while Iona slept, Holden and I built a fabulous habitat for 'the bug'-- a pink hexbug she got in her Christmas stocking. I'll admit, I think I like playing with it more than her. It's fun to build mazes and enclosures for it to scurry through. Holden laughs and laughs as it tests every corner looking for its escape. 

We also ventured out to our local pool. Holden first started swimming here when she was just 6 months old. I can't say that she's now an accomplished swimmer, but she does enjoy splashing around with Daddy and she has a pretty good kick. As you can see, Iona watched in wonder at what must've looked like to her as the world's largest bathtub. 


Here ya go! 

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Our day...

Look who's 4 months old!  
I know, she can't believe it either.

And our snow days continue...

So, Holden and I took a hike along Heart Lake...

Thanks to Holden's Aunt Becca, 
we spent the afternoon thawing out, while figuring out the Food Pyramid!
We sort of revised it along the way but we kept the sweets at the top--
right where Holden thinks they belong.

Michael took a hike too and found evidence of Spring!


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Let it snow, let it snow, let it!

Ahhh, snow!
 Yesterday Anacortes was covered in a blanket of white, as we watched 8 inches of powdery fun fall all around us. And although we had to skip gymnastics and Michael's teaching schedule got a bit fouled up, we are still thankful for this gift of winter and all the joy it brings with it!

My new exercise program consists of putting on 4 layers of clothing and running through knee deep snow while pulling a squealing three year old on a sled. It's a great workout!
And I'm rewarded with beautiful smiles!

Michael also got some exercise! He was thrilled to get the opportunity to go for a ski, something he hasn't yet been able to do this season. So, he skied right from our house to Whistle Lake.

Even little Iona got out in the snow. She was thrilled. Really.  :)

                      Holden loves the snow. She loves the feel of it. The look of it. The taste of it.

Speaking of tasting, snow days call for baking, it's just necessary, so we made cookies! 
They were not only delicious, but works of art as well!

The "H" was the first to go! Yum!

 After our mid-day cookie snack, Holden and Daddy went to a neary-by churchyard for more fun. The next four photos are taken in what we call "dolphin mode"--a fast succession of photos so you don't miss a single move. This camera setting comes in handy when you have a 3 year old.
 Here Holden is showing off some of her new-found gymnastics skills!

Our new family portrait! 
Well, at least until Spring comes....Spring IS coming...isn't it?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Island time...

The Washington State Ferry System is the largest fleet of passenger and vehicle ferries in the United States.  Holden and Iona are the most amazing girls in the world. What do you get when you mix the two? "A good, fun day!" (A quote from Holden)

So, today we hopped on the ferry and headed for San Juan Island to have lunch in Friday Harbor!

Once onboard we parked our double stroller. Good thing they had wheel chocks!  :)

Iona was overcome with excitement...uh, well sorta.

Holden enjoyed exploring the whole ferry!

By the way, we have Grandpa Jim & Grandma Sue to thank for Holden's stylish and warm coat! It was perfect for this cold journey!

Iona woke up for our arrival in Friday Harbor.

The girls travel in style!  :)
This is the only picture we have of us on San Juan--I guess we were just too busy having fun to take pictures. We went to lunch, did some window shopping and stopped in a fun little bookstore for some hot chocolate.

On our way home. As you can see, Iona is once again impressed with the ferry system. Uh huh. 

The ferry stopped at Lopez Island on the way home so we got to watch the cars load and the 
seagulls poop. Both were equally entertaining to Holden.

One of the few pictures of the four of us together, EVER. 
We have our friend Warren to thank for this. 
We just happened to run into him on the ferry.


And this is how most of our trips end, with the girls konked out in the backseat of the car. 
It must have been a good, fun day!  :)