Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Traditions (part two)

Easter morning brought Holden out of her room early, and with much excitement, to see what the Easter Bunny brought her. We haven't really talked much about the Easter Bunny, but I'm pretty sure she thinks we're just making her (yes, our Bunny is a her) up. We're okay with this. 

Tentatively, Holden snuck up on her Easter basket.

Iona was excited as well, but she's always excited.

She especially enjoyed her new rubber duck.

Holden read Iona's new books to her.
Weeble Wobble! Too much fun!

At church, thanks to Sheryl, the kids decorated cloth bags with fabric markers. 

And then they used those bags during the after-church egg hunt.

Once again Iona watched the festivities from the baby carrier. She'll be ready next year though!

This was the fifth year we hosted our egg painting eggstravaganza, where some of our dear Holden Village friends come from Seattle and Bellingham to blow out eggs and paint them with us. 

Holden took part.

She did a great job!
This is her egg.
And this is her artwork.

Gwen painted a beautiful pattern of flowers around her egg.

Joshua created a garden scene.

Barbara had her holidays confused but still created a work of art!

Erik painted a lovely tree scene on his egg. It's a miracle the thing survived after being dropped on the floor twice and then blown by the wind across the patio while it was drying.

You'd think all that would be enough for one day, but noooooo! In the afternoon, Holden and I dyed some hard-boiled eggs.

Our festive day ended with two tired girls and many colorful memories. 
Happy Easter to you all. He is risen! He is risen indeed!

Traditions (part one)

We started our Easter celebrations early, on a very sunny Saturday, by gathering with friends for an Easter egg hunt and child-friendly lunch (namely pb&j). Holden's egg spotting skills have improved remarkably since last year and she's also quite aware of the contents of the eggs. Perhaps that's why she's  better at spotting them!

Iona was too young this year for egg hunting but she enjoyed the sunshine--she hadn't seen that before.

Daddy wore her and she eventually napped.

Holden was super excited to begin searching!

We had to remind her that the eggs on the other side of the fence didn't have chocolate in them.

And finally, her loot.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

You've come a long way baby!

October 26th, 2011

April 26th, 2011

Iona Pyxis is 6 months old today!

Iona likes: her sister, nursing, Dottie--her giraffe teething toy, rice cereal mixed with breastmilk, drooling, books with pictures of babies, pulling Mama's hair, laughing, songs with hand motions such as "The Wheels On the Bus Go Round & Round" and "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" and her thumb.

Iona dislikes: tummy time, sleeping through the night, wearing the same clothes more than 3 hours in a row and loud noises.

She's a very happy, easy-going baby who laughs more than she cries and is a joy to us all!

Our lovely Iona...
half a year old and filled with joy! 
We're thankful.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Our daredevil!

Holden has taken to climbing our mulberry bush, which is really more like a tree than a bush. It'll be interesting to see what she thinks of it when it gets its leaves.

The following sequence of pictures were taken from a movie clip by Michael at the church yard near our home. We often go there to play. Let me reassure you that although it looks like she did permanent damage to her head and neck, she is thankfully quite fine and didn't even cry afterward. In fact, she got right up and wanted to do it again. Next time she leaves the house she'll be wearing her bike helmet. 

Now that we got that out of our system...
Yes, yes, more Easter photos coming sooooooooooon!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

We took several dozen pictures and the above rise to the top. 
The below pictures, well, they didn't rise so much. 


(good thing Iona is flexible)

(Holden, cracking eggs on your sister's head is not an approved activity.)
(one too many eggs?)

But we'll leave you with some happy faces. 

I'm a bit too tired to relive our Easter festivities this evening, but we have more pictures and stories to come of how we celebrated Easter!