Tuesday, January 31, 2012

For the birds...

This morning we made treats. Amazingly enough they were not for us!
But for the birds!
Holden was super excited to make the birds some birdseed muffins! We followed a recipe I found online, which included her favorite ingredient, honey. Of course she had to consume several "honey spoons" in the process. Thanks to Auntie Barbo and Uncle Johnny, we're supplied with delicious honey from their farm! Lucky us! Lucky birds!

After we lightly toasted the muffins in the oven, we poked a hole in them and threaded them on some ribbon to hang on our tree.

This is our bird-watching tree. We have an excellent view of it from our living room.

Now the waiting...

And waiting....   (little one is impatient)

More waiting...

Ah ha! A bird!

It perched next to the rock on the stump to check out the muffin of birdseed.

The girls were delighted to watch the birds enjoy their treat!

Monday, January 30, 2012

The gift of snow! The gift of life!!

SNOW! We were all very excited to have several inches of snow! 
Schools were closed, including Holden's and Daddy's, so we were able to hunker down and enjoy the frozen landscape!

Holden and Mama built a lovely snow woman named Katrina (named after a snow woman in a book we read recently). The next day we added a snow fort, complete with a window, to our yard decor. 

There was also much sledding to be had! It's a good workout too!
Holden tried pulling Mama on the sled--this is "sled view". It was a slow ride.  :)
Even Iona got a ride! She thoroughly enjoyed her soft journey around the yard.
Daddy was able to ski from the house to the local forest lands and nearby lake.
Our winter wonderland graced us with its beauty for about a week before it melted away in the rain. We're hoping we get another round or two before winter gives way to spring. It's been a pretty mild season thus far so we may need to plan a trip to the mountains. Before we do, perhaps we should buy the little one some gloves of her own!  

With the gift of snow, freshly fallen, we were also celebrating a gift of life! 
Holden was born four years ago! What a gift indeed! 

She's a wonderfully clever, active and fun-loving four year old, who keeps us busy beyond belief!
Some of her favorite activities as of late are coloring, craft projects (painting being her favorite), dancing and going to school. Holden enjoys telling stories, reading books and watching The Wonder Pets (a show about 3 school pets that save baby animals in trouble). 

Nani and Papa braved the snow-covered roads to join us for the party!

Daddy wrote Holden an acrostic poem, using her name, to hang in her room. 

Mama made an "under the sea" cake with extra frosting, 
because Holden doesn't eat cake, but she does eat frosting!  :)

Happy Birthday Holden! 
We love YOU!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Family, friends and festivities!

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree...
This year we tried out a small, organic Christmas tree farm located about an hour North of us. 
It was peaceful. 
Until the sawing began!  :) 

Holden chose our tree and was quite pleased with herself. It was a perfect size for our home and we enjoyed decorating it together.

It's not easy getting both these lively souls to sit still and look the same general direction but when they do, I can't help but smile when I see them together. 

The above photos are the "outtakes".  I especially like Michael's hairdo.

We had a fun, crafty day with my dad, stepmom and stepsister (teenage nephew also but not pictured)!

"Nani", my mom, came over for our annual gingerbread extravaganza! Holden may have eaten more candy in this one afternoon than she's had all her life combined! 

They decorated a house and a train! The finished products were something to behold!  :)

The girls enjoy visits from our dear friends Terry & Sheryl Kyllo, Iona's Godparents. 

On Christmas Eve we open our one present of new pajamas! 

And we get all prettied up for Christmas Eve service at Celebration Lutheran Church. 

Holden spent a few moments admiring our tree before laying down for her long winter's nap...

Christmas morning comes early at our house and there is a lot of excitement! Nani & Papa spend the day with us, opening stockings and presents, eating brunch and treats. 

I was ecstatic when I received an iPad!! Holden was equally excited about her elephant ring game from Grandma and Grandpa. In my opinion there's no comparison, but try arguing that with a three year old. 
The day after Christmas, the "barrier" (we put a coffee table in front of the tree to slow down our little climber) was not replaced and I captured the moment Iona realized she had full access to the tree. 

Our lovely friend Kate gave the girls these adorable matching owl hats! You'll be seeing more of these! 

Holden's Godparents, Peter & Claire drove the 900+ miles from California to spend several days with us. We treasure our time with them. Holden and Iona kept them busy!                                              
Gotta love all the murals in Anacortes! Holden MUST get her picture taken in front of any we walk by.

December came to an end and we celebrated the New Year with 12 Fruits, a tradition I personally invented that showcases my favorite food--fruit! And what an abundance we are lucky enough to have even in the dead of winter! We enjoyed dipping our fruits in chocolate sauce and whipped cream (Holden's favorite part) while talking about New Year Resolutions. Holden's resolution for 2012 is to go to the beach more often. We're supporting her the best we can. I think it was about 40 degrees and raining on Saturday, but we went where? To the beach.  :)

Yes, we also celebrate Three Kings Day. The Kings came, along with their camels that ate up our hay, and left us each a small gift. You'd think we wouldn't get anything done around here with all our traditions but somehow we do have the laundry relatively caught up, and we haven't run out of clean dishes yet, so we're doing pretty well if that's the gage. 
We're looking forward to 2012. 
We feel blessed with family, friends, health and hope!